Perfection is not possible, only attempts to achieve,
To even try requires that we have to believe
In the possibility of reaching success,
But failure is inherent, we can’t ace this test.
To be perfect would create disdain,
We need to see flaws, we need to see pain.
Identification with another’s fall
Makes us feel better, not seem so small.
Because if you can hurt just like me,
I can embrace you, and feel more like we.
( ) None of us are perfect, in fact,
We are easy enough to distract
With all of the wonders of this world
Water, tigers, forests, girls…
You cannot reach mastery
Of this greatest mystery
Because to fully understand
What it is to be a (wo)man
Requires a dive headfirst into
The deep abyss of I have no clue
Searching for answers won,
But each question leads to another one. ( )
It is in the pursuit of what we desire,
Continuing to add wood to our inner fire
That fuels us to turn average into amazing,
Using our vision instead of just gazing,
Justify our creation with our creation,
Imperfectly perfect,
Beautifully flawed.
Art by Virgilio Davis of