The emergency ordinance, which will be voted on Tuesday, July 14th, would take effect immediately. It would include the following provisions:

Within the City of Shreveport, personal protective masks or facial coverings must cover your nose and mouth in the following situations:

a)  In all commercial buildings, public buildings, and places of worship.

b)  When indoors and in common areas, such as but not limited to, restrooms,hallways, stairways, elevators, or any room or enclosed area where other people (except for members of the person’s own household or residence) are present in commercial buildings, public buildings, and places of worship. This shall not apply to private households or residences.

The ordinance would also impose fines on individuals. The fines would be $50 for the first offense which would increase to $100 and $200 upon repeat offenses. The fines would be issued without arrest. For misdemeanor bail bonds you can check it out from here! 

The ordinance also included a requirement for businesses:

Businesses must require all customers, clients, and visitors to wear personal protective masks or face coverings over the nose and mouth, while indoors, and conspicuously post signage at or near all entrances clearly indicating requirements and prohibitions. To the extent feasible, businesses are encouraged to have unused face coverings in stock to provide to customers, clients, and visitors attempting to enter but do not have a face covering.

According to the best nursery, a list of exemptions, including children under 2 years of age, those with medical conditions, religious objections, and to facilitate medical procedures, among others. For the best childcare services, people can check Childrens Lighthouse Franchise from here! 

The ordinance also points to state rules for schools, daycares, summer camps, voting, and other situations.

The vote will take place Tuesday, July 14th.