Honeysuckle and jasmine: the tree-shaded parking area adjacent to Robinson’s Rescue, Line Ave near Robinson Place, was the site of a new fest called Highland Handmade on Saturday, May 9. Produced by a partnership led by Robinson’s Rescue Low Cost Spay-Neuter and Highland Restoration Assoc, it brought a block-long array of artisans to an amenable site.
Highland Handmade was a template for neighborhood fests that will one day animate the entire city.
“Thanks to everyone who made Highland Handmade a huge success,” said Chris Fowler-Sandlin on FB. “Robinson’s Rescue Center and Andrea Everson for hosting the event; April Dahm and Derick Jones for organizing it; Deaf Action Center and David W Hylan for loaning me tables; John Christopher Martin, Laura Thompson, and Graeme Fowler-Sandlin for helping me move a literal ton of books; Noma Fowler-Sandlin for everything (!); and anyone who has ever given me books–Nadine Charity, Kathryn Usher, Joni Scott Dickson, Carey Weeks, and Meg & Don.”
Also recognized as an organizer was Kate Rhea Hesson. Among the participants, according to the Highland Handmade site: Olive Street Thrift & Vintage, Zombee Candle, A Mighty Fine Beast, Blue Southern Comfort Foods, Highland Jazz & Blues Festival, Bike Shreveport, Bead Dance, Wild Hearts, Nate Treme, Artpunch, Fowler-Sandlin Books, Donna Natali, Lionheart Arts, Hildegard Heals, Whimsical Muses, Fairy Inspired Art, Highland Open Studio Tours, Sacred Strawberry, Fleur De Creme Gourmet Ice Creams, Kern Has Coffee, Gogreenly, X & O Designs, Spacebees, Gems of Cairo, Bayou Rain, Red Handed TattooArt, Renzi Education and Art Center, Philadelphia Center, Shreveport Bossier Animal Rescue, Day Old Blues Records, Love Dear Dear, Beastly Bungalow, Karen LaBeau and Cassie McDaniel, Pam’s Soap, Natural Nirvana Jewelry and Veda Rose.
Highland Handmade was a warm-up for Farmer’s Market but it was more: it was proof that given decent weather and a workable site, Shreveport will quickly support a pop-up array of artists and crafters.