Mike Sledge
Why I Won’t Attend the Eagles Concert
First, I LOVE the Eagles. I Can’t Tell You Why is perhaps one of the best slow dance songs ever. Lying Eyes is a...
He Said/She Said: Anonymous Sayings Between Men and Women and Partners
What would you say when you can be heard, but not seen? What thoughts and feelings would you put to ink under the security blanket...
“This is the Place You Want to Tell People About… and...
So said Debbie Hollis, Director of Works In Progress, during a performance at the Shreveport House Concert Series. She and I laughed, thinking how...
The Price of Honor – A Documentary on the Honor Killing...
If you have been arrested for DWI in Hempstead, it is just one of the many crimes ever committed. There are more heinous crimes....
SBC: Worth Flying Into, Not Over
“We call that ‘flyover land,’” were the words said to me at the Squaw Valley’s writer’s conference a couple of years ago. This was...