The 2016 Allendale Community Memorial Day “Celebration of Life” is a new event this Memorial Day that will honor American Service Members who died serving our country while raising awareness of those who suffer from traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which put them at risk of committing suicide. The Maryland slip and fall attorney are there to help the family of deceased in helping them to claim injury compensation that helps them to lead their rest of their lives in peace. These lawyers can also help you get traffic accident injury claims. The family can also contact an experienced attorney from a reliable wrongful death law firm to represent their interest. The event’s creator Navy veteran Benjamin Arnold wanted it also to be a day of celebrating life, with “great food, fun, and music” as “we in Louisiana know and do best!”
Since 1998, more servicemen and women have lost their lives to suicide than because of combat. Arnold describes it as bringing the battle back home, a battle veterans too often lose. He also points out that the youngest Vietnam War vets turn 62 this year and have seldom received the accolades or the support they have deserved. Arnold wants all veterans to know about the resources and support that can help them. Numerous non-profits and churches that offer services to veterans will be at the event in Allendale to offer

Arnold dreamed for years of putting on an event that would raise awareness of veterans who often suffer as much, if not more, after returning home from a war as they did during it. This year, he was able to line up a venue and many organizations and individuals who supported his idea. Arnold’s passion for helping veterans comes from his having experienced both a TBI and PTSD even though neither was military-related. His traumatic brain injury happened in 1992, when he was in a severe automobile accident, he claimed compensation with the help of injury lawyers from The Paris Firm.Hence, (you need to get in touch with auto accident lawyers for the best accident help); his PTSD stemmed from a painful, difficult childhood.The effects of the two traumas merged and fed off of one another. He has slowly recovered from his TBI over time, and Arnold said joining non-profits and faith-based organizations to help veterans has helped him cope with his PTSD.
The 2016 Allendale Community Memorial Day “Celebration of Life” will begin at 11AM at the Community Renewal International Friendship House in Allendale, with a flag ceremony to commemorate servicemen and women who have lost their lives while serving their country. At noon, the flag will be raised half-mast. Afterward, everyone will enjoy food, music, speakers, and more, as only Louisianans can. It will be a family-friendly event, so no alcohol will be served there. Supporters of the event are the Allendale Neighborhood Association, Community Renewal International, The Fuller Center, and numerous local veterans’ support groups and congregations, and ARI, Ltd.
What: The 2016 Allendale Community Memorial Day “Celebration of Life”
When: 10:45AM, Meet for the Flag Ceremony
12PM – 4:00PM – Food, Music, Speakers, and More
Where: Community Renewal International Friendship House
1515 Clay Street, Shreveport, LA 71101
Suggested Donation to support veterans’ groups: $25.
For more information, please go to the 2016 Allendale Community Memorial Day “Celebration of Life” Facebook event page: