Resolutions don’t always have to be about sucking all the fun out of your life. Eating healthier, being more active and improving overall wellness are all good things, but they can be short-lived resolutions. And to be honest, they are complete lifestyle changes.  Eating healthier and exercising are ways for me to drink what I want. I’ll eat one less slice of pizza in order to enjoy a full-flavored beer. But hey, that’s just me.

In 2014, we should all make a resolution that we can actually enjoy, and keep. After all, when is the last time you were excited about a New Year’s resolution? Whether you enjoy the occasional beer or are a craft beer connoisseur, everyone stands to gain something from resolving to learn more about and drink better beer.  If you want to become a better and more educated beer drinker this year, add one (or all) of these resolutions to your list. They are in no particular order.

  1. Introduce someone to craft beer – Probably best not to start with a Double IPA, but show someone that the US is full of creative, talented brewers that are pushing style boundaries and making delicious, enjoyable beers.
  2. Try at least one new beer a month – There is so much new beer available, even in our market. But if you want to try some new out-of-market beers, check out some online buying sites or make a quick trip to South Louisiana or East / Central Texas.
  3. Host a beer tasting with friends – Beer is meant to be shared and enjoyed with friends. Find a few folks, and ask everyone to bring a new or rare bottle. Chances are you’ll get to try something new and everyone will learn something.
  4. Visit a local / regional brewery – There are nine manufacturing breweries in Louisiana, and a handful of them have tasting rooms. Dallas and Austin both have more than a dozen breweries. So, you’ve got options!
  5. Cook with beer – I’ve always heard that you should only cook with wine you want to drink. The same should go for beer. Make some chili, bread, stew, ice cream, etc. with a delicious craft beer. If done right, it should enhance the dish.
  6. Read a book about craft beer – There are countless books about brewing history, the science of beer making, cooking with beer, in depth studies of beer ingredients, reference guides and more. Some of my recommendations include: “Tasting Beer: An Insider’s Guide to the World’s Greatest Drink” by Randy Mosher, “The Complete Joy of Homebrewing” by Charlie Papazian and  “The Oxford Companion to Beer,” by Garrett Oliver.
  7. Drink less – Really! Drink less sub-par beer, be selective and drink craft beer. There’s plenty of good beer out there that doesn’t require iceberg expeditions. Pro tip: The colder your beer, the less you taste.
  8. Always drink beer from a glass – Much of what we perceive as taste comes from the aroma. You can’t properly smell a beer if you are drinking from a long neck or can. Pour it into a glass (preferably not a frozen one) and enjoy an enhanced sensory experience.
  9. Attend a beer event – Shreveport has the annual BREW festival, and participates in Louisiana Craft Beer Week. However, there are many more beer festivals and homebrew events throughout the state all year around.
  10. Keep notes – As you learn more about beer, you’ll likely want to keep track of what you like and what you don’t. You can keep a beer journal or log and rate your beer consumption via apps such as Untappd. Untappd lets you check into specific beers, find local breweries, rate beers and breweries, receive badges and achievements, etc. It will even make new beer recommendations based on what you like.

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